Happy Reformation Day
This day many years ago the posting of the theses on the door of the church at Gutenberg. It was at time when the people had to host a messenger with news about how to buy indulgences and the benefit of buying the indulgences.
This was a document prepared by Luther for discussion and debate with other professionals in the ecclesiastical ministry. It also happend not too far from the time the printing press was invented, these two events worked together by providence and the theses, ninety-five of them in number, quickly was found in the community due to the ease of printing and reprinting and many became aware of the details the document and the items to be discussed and the world did not remain the same.
This day is seen as the start of the spark the brought the beginning of the reformation that changed the world and brought attention back to the reading of the text in the orignal languages and placing the authority of the word of God at the top of the authority list for the Christian.
Today many people in different parts of the world do not see the autority of the word as important as that of the founder of the particular church they attend, rather they focus on the special revelation they believe the leader has which trumps whatever the bible might be saying about a particular issue. This view is not too different from what was common before the reformation and the more people are ignorant of what the bible says and not aware of what it teaches and only read those things shown to them with the intention of communicating some point at the expense of the text in context, there will be a continuous descent into ignorance.
May the Lord continue to empower the spots of bright light around the world where there is renewed interest in the word and in the authority of the word.
Happy Reformation Day.
Last Day of 2020
December 31, 2020 by Jide Ajayi • Life, New Year, Thoughts • Tags: new year •
This year 2020, is a year that started with a lot of hope and plan and desire.
Many people saw it as a year of completion and clarity, and elevation to a new level of the current status.
Then mid-way through March, things started to change. The world started taking the information about the issue in China seriously as Italy began to report uncomfortable numbers of people dying from the virus.
The numbers are still grim. There is a reported second wave and a new strain, which is not new but a version from another part of the world that is now new as far as the country reporting it is concerned.
Then a few weeks ago, Pfizer and Moderna released their vaccines, and these came with many concerns from the safety, to motive, to policies and plans the people are not sure whether it is in their interest or not. As of today, they currently are being administered in about 26 countries
Now the final day of the year has come. It allows looking back at the year that has affected us all in different ways in the area of work, work schedule, loss of jobs, family, health, child care, and relationships, church, worship, fellowship, and societal interactions and then the recoveries, disabilities, and death that has come in this period.
May the Lord continue to shower his love on us all and continue to order things by his mercy and grace providentially.
May things be good for us all in the new year!
Happy New Year in advance