

merry christmas picture
christmas image

The christmas season for this year has come and is now gone. The  holiday mood and feel is probably still there but in the scope of the fun things people remember about Christmas, the fun is all over.

So what will you remember about this Christmas? This christmas like every other christmas before it has one main message and purpose. This purpose is to remind us that Christ came when he was born as a baby by his mother Mary and he grew and lived among us and when the due time came, he was crucified and was buried and on the third day he rose again and the God accepted his sacrifice as the payment for our sins before him that we no longer need to pay it ourselves.

Jesus was born so that he may die. He lived so that he may become a sacrifice. A selfless sacrifice strong enough to remove the curse that was our lot.

Christmas is an opportunity to think about how God sees sin. Sin is such a big deal that God became man. It is not about what we think is sin and what is not sin, we probably can not be trusted to define sin as our perception of what is sin is not fixed if the global worldview of human behavior is to be sampled or believed.

This Christmas like those that came before and those that will still come gives us the opportunity to reflect on the love of God for us. That God would stoop so low to the point of being made lower than angels that we may not perish.

While we wonder about the gifts we did not get, the visit we did not make , the delicious meal we did not eat, we need to spare a thought for the God that so loved us that made Christmas possible.

This is what makes a beautiful Christmas!

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